FEB 11 2012 Letter : CSQQN Peoples International Trade & Commerce Division 2012

CSQQN Peoples      International Trade & Commerce Division 2012
Without Prejudice                                                     salus populi est supreme lex                               Errors & Omissions Excepted

Invitation Of Friendly Dialogue from CSQQN to China

Subject : Trade Relations : H2O & Sustainable Energy : Remediation Of Ozone Layer
In The Year Of The Dragon
February 11th, 2012                                                                             TC:China:Canada:Trade&Commerce:CSQQN:2012

Peoples Republic Of China

China Trade Relations With  CSQQN 2012-32:
Immigration & H2O/ CH4 ->Energy
Dear Hu Jintao
President of P.R. China and Chairman of the Communist Party of China
CSQQN [Coast Salish Quw’utsun Quamichan Nation] Peoples respectfully invite China to dispatch an emissary to enter into Gus Wen Tah [Peace Trust Friendship] trade relation discussions with the CSSQN Central ICE [Indigenous Council of Elders] Council regarding mutual interests in exchange of products and services for the benefit of the whole.

Further, CSQQN desires to discuss Canada’s [Monarch Elizabeth II] alleged failure in the protection and preservation of fundamental human rights of indigenous children and parents since 1952; and, the CSQQN forthcoming jurisdiction inquiry petition to the UN Credentials Committee to challenge the claim of Elizabeth II / Canada to territories historically named Turtle island North – as Zheng He possibly would have known these lands from Chinese monks’ records. CSQQN Peoples recorded shared indigenous occupation and governance of these west coast lands date back 10,000 years non-relinquished.

In the matter of Intellectual Properties - as applied to sustainable energy development and the ozone layer depletion remediation – CSQQN offers forward the technologies of two  of our internal science collaborators; who may consult with  China [and, the global economies] on options for environment / energy resolutions. These discussions include evident affordable / eco-socio options to the Enbridge sourcing of Athabasca oils. Thank you for noting the Appendix “A” : Gatekeepers.

China’s chosen emissary may contact CSQQN-China Delegation Chairperson Goodwin via email at csqqn.china.emissary.rcg@gmail.com   to confirm confidential meeting arrangements.

Huy’ch’qu’ / Thank  You / Dwo Je
Per Ralph Charles Goodwin                                                    
Chairperson, CSQQN International Trade Offices
Appendix “A”